Dec 12, 2006

Nathaniel with his Corvette he got this past summer and lost this past Sunday. Were glad you're alright man. R.I.P. Viper killer.

Todays ride started as most all do, at Bread Bakery. Hagman, Hays, LeeRo and Howard showed up to do a Ignacio/Bayfield loop which turned out to be pretty uneventful besides the ultimate dog chase scene, 12 dogs at once! We got out unscathed. Once I got back into Durango I stopped at Bread, yes again and ran into Caleb and Kuhl. I asked Caleb about his trip to Japan a few weeks ago with USA Cycling for some big road race. Get this.....they missed the start by five minutes. I mean it is one thing to miss the start to a local crit or even state time trial championship but getting all the way around the world to say, oops. Oh well, I guess they got to chill on the beach instead. Nice.
Wednesday Wade and I are driving back to Arkansas for the winter break. After 16 straight hours in the car I will have some thoughts. Until then, audios.