Dec 11, 2006

Here I am in my Shonny V. skin suit during Russell the Muscle cruiser bike race.

Schooooools out, for the winter! After 8:30 am Noah is an academically free man for a few weeks. I’ve gotten the first week of base under my belt and its still a blizzast. Along with jumping back on the bike I have started working with my new coach Mike Kuhn at Cadencecycling. This year I will be all about numbers and power and all that crazy stuff us an SRM power meter.
Sunday I had a really nasty ride on the mountain bike. I guess you loose the technique pretty quickly so I met the ground a good dozen times on Raiders Ridge and the Travis Brown trail.
Riding on the snow packed, 18 degree slope didn't make it any easier.

Oh yea, me, Max and Chopper went to the new Raiders Ridge Café today for the special. That place rocks, check it out where the old Flanders was behind Durango Joes.