Here is an email I just got from my dad, it's one of the best things I have ever come across online. -Noah
Dear Friends and Family:
I recently found a web based organization,
www.kiva.org, that lets me make loans as small as $25
directly to small, struggling entrepreneurs
around the world. These people, most of them women,
often need only a few hundred dollars to help their
little businesses grow and make an enormous difference in
their lives and the lives of their family.
The money allows them to buy supplies, livestock, a
sewing machine, a small refrigerator-- whatever they
might need to increase their business within their
village. But because the amount of money they need
is so small and they typically have no credit history
or collateral, traditional banks will not loan them
any money, leaving these people stuck in an endless
cycle of poverty.
Kiva.org, a micro loan organization based in
California, allows them to earn their way out of that
poverty. And when they pay off their tiny loan (over a
99% repayment rate) … you get your money back !
The concept of micro loans was developed by Muhammad
Yunus, an economics professor in Bangladesh who
created the Grameen Bank for micro lending and who
just won the Noble Peace Prize for his unique and revolutionary
I recently found a web based organization,
www.kiva.org, that lets me make loans as small as $25
directly to small, struggling entrepreneurs
around the world. These people, most of them women,
often need only a few hundred dollars to help their
little businesses grow and make an enormous difference in
their lives and the lives of their family.
The money allows them to buy supplies, livestock, a
sewing machine, a small refrigerator-- whatever they
might need to increase their business within their
village. But because the amount of money they need
is so small and they typically have no credit history
or collateral, traditional banks will not loan them
any money, leaving these people stuck in an endless
cycle of poverty.
Kiva.org, a micro loan organization based in
California, allows them to earn their way out of that
poverty. And when they pay off their tiny loan (over a
99% repayment rate) … you get your money back !
The concept of micro loans was developed by Muhammad
Yunus, an economics professor in Bangladesh who
created the Grameen Bank for micro lending and who
just won the Noble Peace Prize for his unique and revolutionary
work. This idea is changing the way ordinary people like us
can truly help others, one-on-one, around the world.
Your loan is grouped with small loans of other lenders
who have selected the same recipient. You get to see a
profile of the person you’re helping and follow their
Kiva.org works with local micro loan management
organizations in small villages and communities around
the world. They interview and screen the loan
applicants, distribute and manage the loans, monitor
their progress and collect the repayment. Everyone and
everything is completely vetted.
100% of your loan goes directly to the person you
select. You do not earn any interest on the money you
lend, although the local managing group and kiva.org
make a small profit so they can continue their work.
It's a new and really wonderful way to truly help a
hardworking but poor person and fight global poverty
at the same time. It’s very gratifying-- and most
importantly for me, it does exactly what it’s designed
to do, allow people to honorably earn their way out of poverty.
If you have a minute, please check out the site:
www.kiva.org. I think it's a wonderful way for us
can truly help others, one-on-one, around the world.
Your loan is grouped with small loans of other lenders
who have selected the same recipient. You get to see a
profile of the person you’re helping and follow their
Kiva.org works with local micro loan management
organizations in small villages and communities around
the world. They interview and screen the loan
applicants, distribute and manage the loans, monitor
their progress and collect the repayment. Everyone and
everything is completely vetted.
100% of your loan goes directly to the person you
select. You do not earn any interest on the money you
lend, although the local managing group and kiva.org
make a small profit so they can continue their work.
It's a new and really wonderful way to truly help a
hardworking but poor person and fight global poverty
at the same time. It’s very gratifying-- and most
importantly for me, it does exactly what it’s designed
to do, allow people to honorably earn their way out of poverty.
If you have a minute, please check out the site:
www.kiva.org. I think it's a wonderful way for us
who have so much, to help someone who has
and needs so little to dramatically change their life
for the better.
Happy and Healthy Holidays to All