It ain't called Tulsa Easy
Above is a picture I took towards the finish of the Tulsa Tough day, or should I say night one, crit. Upon thinking, you may ask how I got such a shot during the race I am registered for. Well, I only lasted 40 mintues of the 80 minute race and was off the back. There is something about starting a Pro 1-2 crit at 9:20pm in a thunder/lightening storm that didn't work in my favor. The womens race was cut way short half way through because of the storms so we were lucky, for some people, to be able to even race. On the warm up laps I over heard, "I just had two double shots of espresso" and "I just downed a 24 ounce Pepsi." The Successful Living team controlled the entire race and finished with a deserving first and second place. My team, Mercy only had three guys finish; Matt, Cagle, and Fiddler, nice work guys.
Saturday is another crit, 6:45pm start. Sunday is another with a nasty climb and sketchy turns, sweet. Thanks for reading.